HirePlus is specifically designed to facilitate operations and management of casual and/or regular hire operators. Although it was originally designed for waste services situations, it has the flexibility to handle most hire operations.
Below is the Customer Maintenance Screen - The "all in one" screen allows you to view and manage all aspects of a customers details - products, pricing, activity history, account history at a glance. Use the Name, Addr or Tel buttons to easily find any customer and then click on Action to log enter the request.

- Handles multiple bins per customer.
- Flexible set-up of regular service schedules for customers, daily, several days a week, fortnightly, etc. With drag and drop sequencing of the run lists.
- Easy to read casual and permanent run lists including extra instructions, cash to pick-up etc.
- Extras such as loose rubbish, whiteware can be entered when processing run lists.
- Look up customer by any part of their name, address or phone number.
- Enter call-ins (pick-ups etc) with a few clicks.
Accounts can be prepaid, monthly or cash.
Automatic generation of prepaid account renewal invoices at end of cycle, and topping up of services when paid.
Hire charges can include per service charge (variable depending upon no. of services in a billing) and excess weight charge. All are automatically calculated.
Includes full debtors ledger.
Statements can be fully detailed or summarised.
Can print separate site schedules for multisite customers, all accumulated onto a head account.
Full account history visible. Any invoice can be reprinted to screen or printer.
- Includes banking schedule and easy tracking of receipts.
The Acount History Screen, below, gives you a snapshot of the current account status along with a monthly summary of activity and detailed transaction records. You can view or reprint any invoice or site schedule.
A variety of reports allow you to assess run profitability, growth and to also track problem bins:
Sales analysis by product or truck/product showing counts of operations - deliver, service, finish etc., and revenue by type - rental, service, excess, other.
Casual hire report - never lose a bin!
Client trend : shows frequency of service and revenue by client, showing trend over the past 12 months.
Inactive customers.
Stock report.
Product trend - shows number of services per product over last 12 months.
- Top customers by revenue.
It is possible to integrate HirePlus to dispatch to mobile devises including, PDA’s and fixed in-vehicle terminals. Job status on the Dispatch screen will automatically update as operators log their progress. Softplus can assist in the evaluation and supply of product to suit your needs and budget.