FlexiJob is a comprehensive business tool which enhances mobile service based operations. With fast job booking, all relevant job details at your dispatcher's fingertips and optional voiceless dispatch, service operations have never been easier!

- Increase productivity. Your dispatcher/s can configure the dispatch screen so that they have all the information they need for optimal job dispatch and use of staff resources. Job progress can be monitored at a glance with the colour coded status indicators. With voiceless dispatch, sending a job out to a mobile operator is as easy as clicking the mouse.
- Improve customer service. Automatic job priority escalation with visual and audible alerts ensures that jobs are attended within required time frames. Keep your customers informed with Emailed or faxed job progress reports.
- Improve cashflow. No more revenue loss through lost job sheets - every job in the system will be billed. With job data coming live from the job sites, you can bill the job out on the same day.
- Know your business. Comprehensive reporting allows you to analyse your sales by customer, type of work or time & materials and check your mobile operators' productivity - are they making you money?
- Improve customer retention and increase sales opportunities. With the mail out feature you can select groups of customers and send maintenance reminders, promotional material, etc.